Cowichan River Campground - Camping Information

To help make your stay a pleasant one, we have prepared some guidelines for your convenience and would appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you for taking the time to read these rules. We shall endeavour to make your stay a pleasant one!

Summer: 11:00 A.M.
Winter: 12:00 noon

Summer: 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Winter: 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

From 10:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Radios and T.V. must be at level (at all hours) that NO ONE is disturbed at ANY time.
No loud parties or other excessive noise will be tolerated. Guest Curfew: 10:00 P.M. No ball teams, or players. The management reserves the right to restrict entry to any objectionable person or persons who may cause a disturbance or become a nuisance.

48 hours notice is required on long weekends only. Reservations cancelled with out 48 hour notice will be charged in full!

Park posted SPEED LIMIT of 10 km/h must be observed at all times. PLEASE CAUTION YOUR GUESTS.

Do not block or park your vehicles in vacant sites. The site could be assigned to some one checking in. If your vehicle blocks a site, you will be charged
for that site.

You are responsible for your visitor’s conduct and observance of the park rules. The right to restrict entry to any objectionable people or persons who may
cause a disturbance or become a nuisance, is reserved. The management is sole judge of the existence of cause for such action. Inappropriate behaviour will
not be tolerated.

We reserve the right to establish a per-day-rate to be charged for guests.

This property is privately owned and management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and will not be responsible for accidents or injury to guests
or for loss of money, jewelry or valuable of any kind.

Children must be supervised at all times at the washrooms and never be left unattended.

ALL DOGS must be LEASHED everywhere on the property at ALL TIMES. They must not be left unattended, must be cleaned up after, must be kept quiet
and must be kept out of the washrooms. Failure to follow these rules will result in you being asked to leave!

Please refer to the campground map for garbage bin locations. Note: disposal of garbage at Riverside Campgrounds is only for patrons staying here. There is a
recycle bin near the cabins; please see map.

Tampering with park electric service or connections is strictly forbidden. Please contact the office if you encounter any difficulties.

Please SECURE the sewer discharge hose with the proper fitting so that it doesn’t fall into main sewer line, or spill onto the ground.

Open fires are permitted in assigned fire pits ONLY (when no fire ban is in place). NO burning of garbage or plastics is allowed.

Washrooms are OPEN from May 1st – Sept. 30th. Please treat the washrooms as if this "IS" your “home away from home” for the enjoyment of everyone.

Violations of rules & regulations, complaints, suggestions, etc.: The management encourages the direct communication of violations of any of the rules and regulations between the occupants themselves. These rules are reasonable and reasonable people will adhere to them for the common good.

When giving out your address, for a taxi, pizza delivery, or to guests or friends, please specify that you are in the R.V. park to avoid delays.

If something is in need of repair—please tell us!